Whether the shopper is stopping in quickly to pick up one item or carrying bags and herding children for an afternoon of heavy shopping, today’s large retail complexes too often come with frustrating parking encounters. At AVPM® we understand that overcoming the parking challenge to the shopper’s satisfaction is critical to ensuring a pleasant experience and encouraging the shopper to return to your stores soon.

  • IoT Technology
  • Cloud, On-Prem and Hybrid Platforms
  • Customizable with Seamless Integration
  • Field Proven and Reliable
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SMS Vehicle Request

Shoppers can text their ticket number to request their vehicle ahead of time. Pay-by-Web link can be included with this feature to maximize convenience.

Online Validation Systems

This efficient and cost-effective solution provides users with flexibility of validating parking tickets from any platform. Options include centralized validations, web portal, personal mobile app and iPad e-validator.

Monthly/Contract Parkers

Keep track of contracted parkers and grant in-and-out privileges as long as the account is active. Eliminate tickets with key tags, contactless RFID and touch-free AVI tags.

Self-Serve Kiosks

Multiple platform kiosks can be placed strategically where needed allowing shoppers to request their vehicle and pay for valet.

Client Success Story

We are creating an awesome story to share. Please check back shortly, an industry related success story is coming soon!



Learn how we can solve your challenges, increase operation efficiency and increase client satisfaction.